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The 2024 State of the Media Report

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Meet the Journalist: Get Sweat Go’s Tom Wheatley

Tom Wheatley, editor at the newly launched Get Sweat Go, reveals what topics the online title will cover, his goals for the site’s first six months and how PRs can work with him.

Get Sweat Go has just launched, what is the website about?

Get Sweat Go is a site for people looking for the next stage of their fitness journey. The name Get Sweat Go relates to the three aspects of the site. Fitness gear recommendations, inspiration and guidance, and wellness/fitness travel ideas.

Why did you choose to focus on active lifestyles?

As a society we’re now living more active lifestyles – but those who get the bug can get bored doing the same old thing. There are more options to get fit and active than ever before and the choices available can be overwhelming if you’re new to a particular aspect of that world.

Get Sweat Go uses expert writers with years of knowledge in those areas. We test hundreds of products, we go to fitness classes, we race around the world and we care about new exciting developments in those spaces. We use that knowledge to give clear, honest advice to anyone looking for guidance in their own personal goals.

Is there anything related to active lifestyles you wouldn’t cover?

We’re taking a vertical approach to the launch, initially covering running, workouts, yoga and trekking but adding in new verticals as the brand grows and develops. There’s nothing we’ve specifically said we won’t do, as long as those verticals fit with the ethical values we have as a brand and our audience wants to read about it.

Are there any regular features which you’ll run on the site?

Absolutely. As well as providing constantly updated product review guides, we will run an ongoing series of workouts with top trainers, interview motivational people in the active and adventure space, feature detailed location guides for treks and report on the best races and fitness events around the world that are good enough to make the list.

One of our favourite regulars is to interview sports people, athletes or inspirational figures about what’s in their kit bag – so our readers can find the gear that comes recommended by those using it to the extreme. Find out what chafe cream top ultrarunners use, or the recovery nutrition used by CrossFit Games athletes.

Describe a typical Get Sweat Go reader.

At one end of the scale that may be runners who want to get into park run, step up to trails or ultrarunning – hikers looking for multi-day adventures, yogis looking for incredible retreats. It’s about doing something epic tomorrow, not just the same old stuff.

We help those people find out how they need to train, what they need to buy, and where they can go in order to achieve those personal goals.

We’ll speak to real people and the coaches that train them to offer honest and trustworthy guidance in helping our readers achieve their goals.

What is your relationship like with PRs? How can they best work with you?

The active industry is a complex place, especially for a brand covering so much of it. We rely heavily on PRs to share information on the things in that industry that are coming up, whether that be a new running trainer launch, an exciting piece of fitness research or access to great personalities in that space that are doing important things.

We have a clear long term plan of the key areas we hope to cover over the coming months and we’re happy to share that information with PRs. We love hearing about news and developments in the active space, and we want to make sure that PRs can supply us with relevant updates that our readers care about.

Finally, what are your goals for the website’s first six months?

Our focus for the first six months is to build a site that promotes consistent interest amongst our readers. We’ll test out a wide range of editorial ideas and concepts and continue to develop them. Our aim is to ensure we’re providing a service that benefits our audience and makes them want to come back time and time again.

Alister Houghton
Alister Houghton

Alister Houghton is UK Content Marketing Manager at Cision, writing and commissioning thought leadership, interviews and opinion pieces covering the earned media, marketing and journalism spheres. As well as working in a variety of roles across the business, he has previously managed media and web content for the British American Football Association.