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What's Next for Comms? 2020 PR Trends


What Does the New Year - and the New Decade - Hold for PR?

As we sat down to think about what the new year holds for comms, we considered the theme of “everything fatigue” – in 2019, we read about influencer fatigue, politics fatigue, social media fatigue, content fatigue, and probably a dozen more kinds of fatigue. Plus, we’re drowning in data, the press release may or may not be dead, and trust in the media is still low.

But that feels like an unnecessarily negative way to frame what’s going on in communications right now. We’re in the midst of a communications transformation! And yes, transformation is hard, but the effort is worth it, as earned media is becoming more strategic, more measurable, and more essential than ever before. For those of us who work in comms, PR and marketing, we’re in the middle of something truly special.

So what’s driving this comms transformation? Here are a few trends we see becoming more important as we move into 2020.


  • The lines between PR and marketing will dissolve
  • Corporate marketing landscape will significantly change
  • ...Want to see more trends? Download the ebook

The 2020s will be the decade of the communicator. Download this eBook to learn how these trends will shape the PR industry in 2020 and beyond.